Operations Tab

Drug Labs
Here you can find you current lab space.

Order new labspace be built.

Lab production can be changed here.

Street Corner
Here you will find your junkies,

You can change the drug you pay them with here

You can recruit junkies here at 1 token per junkie

When you have training junkies you will also find list of them here.

New junkies take 51 tokens to become a trained junkie who will then earn you cash for you if you pay them 1 drug a token.
Here you can buy gun presses and sewing machines

Scrap Yard
Here you can sell your gun presses and sewing machines
(This is normally only done if you accidentally buy the wrong machine, or when changing tactics)

Book Store
Here you can find your current books.

Here you buy books for use in the university.

Here you can see how many credits you can earn per book and how many you can afford right now if you were to spend all your tokens.

Here you use your books to earn credits (at a rate of 3 credits per token per book)
The effects of the different credits is shown bellow.