Cartel Tab

Here you will fins the cartel pages, if you are not in a cartel it shows you some text boxes for you to create or join a cartel. There is also a list of cartels that are currently recruiting.

If you are in a cartel it shows you details of your cartel and a member list. There are various cartel links on the side (or above if on mobile)

Here you will find a cartel exclusive chat room

War Room
When attacked you get an attack report that has a button to post to cartel war room, when you click that button the attack report ends up in a list here for your cartel members to scout/attack

List of cartel that are recruiting (incase you wish to change cartels)

Only cartel cabinet members see this page.
You can edit the news shown on the main cartel page.

You can also change the logo

Promote/demote and kick players

Change the cartel password

Turn off/on recruiting and sharing the password

Bot specialisation

Disband cartel.